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책임교수 신동일, 신동규
논문명 Design of User Intention Analysis and Recognition System for Brain-Computer InterfacesDesign of User Intention Analysis and Recognition System for Brain-Computer Interfaces
구분 구두발표
제1저자 신재완
교신저자 신동일
공동저자 신동규
국내/국외 국외
학술회의명 The FTRA 2013 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Systems
개최국가 베트남
개최일 2013.12.18~2013.12.20
주관기관 FTRA

Brainwaves represent the information function of the brain that controls all areas of human ctivity are known to be expressed in the cerebral cortex. According to the results of medical research, existing knowledge, dynamic cognitive activities, and accidents, a variety of sensitivity and behavior and mental activity of higher order is exhibited through brainwave analysis, and to some extent potential can be recognized in terms of mechanical processes. Brain-computer interface (BCI) is an important area of study related to the human central nervous system, and a recognition system of user intent is intended to be developed through EEG signal analysis. Accordingly, research on automatic processing systems and methods of analysis of EEG signals can be applied universally. In particular, the features of these systems are subdivided into sites in the brain, according to which brainwave changes are frequently based on mental activity and the person’s state of consciousness through a specific pattern. It is possible to clarify the information processing mechanism of these brain areas and control the device via the communication interface using the electronic device. In this paper, we designed a system that analyzes the intent of the user, thereby shedding light on controlling the
interfaces of other devices.

*ITRC 기여율=1