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책임교수 박강령
논문명 Finger-Vein Image Enhancement Using a Fuzzy-Based Fusion Method with Gabor and Retinex Filtering
논문종류 SCI
제1저자 Kwang Yong Shin
교신저자 Kang Ryoung Park
공동저자 Young Ho Park, Dat Tien Nguyen
Impact Factor 2.048
개제학술지명 SENSORS
Keyword Finger-Vein Image Enhancement; Fuzzy-Based Fusion Method; Gabor and Retinex Filtering
게재일 2014 년 02 월
Because of the advantages of finger-vein recognition systems such as live detection and usage as bio-cryptography systems, they can be used to authenticate individual people. However, images of finger-vein patterns are typically unclear because of light scattering by the skin, optical blurring, and motion blurring, which can degrade the performance of finger-vein recognition systems. In response to these issues, a new enhancement method for finger-vein images is proposed. Our method is novel compared with previous approaches in four respects. First, the local and global features of the vein lines of an input image are amplified using Gabor filters in four directions and Retinex filtering, respectively. Second, the means and standard deviations in the local windows of the images produced after Gabor and Retinex filtering are used as inputs for the fuzzy rule and fuzzy membership function, respectively. Third, the optimal weights required to combine the two Gabor and Retinex filtered images are determined using a defuzzification method. Fourth, the use of a fuzzy-based method means that image enhancement does not require additional training data to determine the optimal weights. Experimental results using two finger-vein databases showed that the proposed method enhanced the accuracy of finger-vein recognition compared with previous methods.

*ITRC 기여율 = 0.5