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책임교수 조경은
논문명 A collaborative client participant fusion system for realistic remote conferences
논문종류 SCI
제1저자 W Song
교신저자 조경은
공동저자 M Wen, Y Xi, PM Chu, H Vu, SJ Kayumiy, K Cho
Impact Factor 0.858
개제학술지명 The Journal of Supercomputing,
Keyword Remote conferencing systems Mixed reality GPU Foreground segmentation Human-centric communication
게재일 2015 년 11 월
Remote conferencing systems provide a shared environment where people in different locations can communicate and collaborate in real time. Currently, remote video conferencing systems present separate video images of the individual participants. To achieve a more realistic conference experience, we enhance video conferencing by integrating the remote images into a shared virtual environment. This paper proposes a collaborative client participant fusion system using a real-time foreground segmentation method. In each client system, the foreground pixels are extracted from the participant images using a feedback background modeling method. Because the segmentation results often contain noise and holes caused by adverse environmental lighting conditions and substandard camera resolution, a Markov Random Field model is applied in the morphological operations of dilation and erosion. This foreground segmentation refining process is implemented using graphics processing unit programming, to facilitate real-time image processing. Subsequently, segmented foreground pixels are transmitted to a server, which fuses the remote images of the participants into a shared virtual environment. The fused conference scene is represented by a realistic holographic projection.
*ITRC 기여율=1